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From Muazu Hardawa BAUCHI

Bauchi State Governor, Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed has employed 310 new teachers in compliance with the Federal Teachers Scheme (FTS) and the Federal Female Teachers Scheme (FTI'S).

The Commissioner for Education Bauchi state, Dr Aliyu Usman Tilde said, at the presentation of the appointment letters to the employed teachers on Monday held at TSC complex in Bauchi, said Bauchi is among the few states in the federation to comply with the conditions of the teachers scheme.

Dr Tilde who éxplained that, the employed teachers were recruited based on merit, warned that, anyone of them found wanting in the discharge of the responsibilities would be dealt accordingly in accordance with public service rules.

"I congratulate you for scaling through the very rigorous selection processes and for being able to be employed among many other qualified applicants who also applied for samejob.

I am very happy and very lucky to see very passionate individuals as applicants for the teaching job. "Our message to you is that as you are aware, Bauchi State under His Excellency, Governor Bala Mohammed is committed to the recruitment of qualified teachers and we are going to monitor the conduct of all of you as our new teachers for us to achieve our aim desire of providing qualitative education to our children. " Said Dr Tilde.

The Commissioner pointed out that, the present administration in the state has done a lot to advance education, said on staff welfare in particular, the ministry of education last year promoted half of its workforce based on performance basis.

In a key note address, the Chaiman, Teacher's Service Commission in the state, Musa Wadata implored the employed teachers to always put the interest of the state first in the discharge of theirduties and see themselves as indispensable partners in the task of repositioning Bauchi State education sector.

Musa Wadata noted that, the current approval for the recruitment of 310 teachers to schools in Bauchi State is the highest ever in more than 2 decades, as no such employment was made in the state. "This presentation of appointment is a clear testimony of the state government's commitment towards uplifting the quality of teaching and learning and to address teachers shortage in the State. This is indeed a milestone achievement in the history of Bauchi State Teachers' Service Commission by extension the State Ministry of Education.

"I would like to felicitate with our amiable, industrious, quintessential, digital Commissioner, and Teacher General, Dr. Aliyu Usman Tilde for showing dynamism, focus, efficiency and candour in the way he is piloting the affairs of Bauchi State education sector. His purposeful leadership, steadfast- ness, ingenuity and genuine commitment to re-engineer Bauchi State education sector have made the state a model and a reference point in the Country."